Lexie is a 31-year-old Polish/Irish creator currently based in Italy. She is the only female flying car racing pilot in the world, an EVTOL test pilot, drone racing pilot & content creator.
(I mean… naming the skillset is hard)
Lexie’s journey as a YouTuber started in 2015 as she decided to show her journey to ultimate freedom through videography, photography and FPV Drone racing.
Through participating in various events, drone races and media shows - Lexie has started building her audience and brand, sharing the message of ultimate freedom to do as people want, not as they are told to do.
I used to be told what I can and cannot do due to my gender, age, nationality and other imposed rules, and I didn’t like what I was told. I didn’t like the fact anyone was ever told any of that
Lexie's breakthrough came while racing drones. With successes, including the Polish and German master series and being crowned Woman to Watch in UAS in 2017. These attracted global interest and resulted in sponsorship deals from major global companies. It also got Lexie to travel all over the world to race her drones and create more educational content.
This has also resulted in Lexie being involved in rule-setting for Drone Racing as well as working with officials and companies towards a better future for FPV pilots, which resulted in being crowned with Rotor Riot Medallion for her work for FPV Community in 2018
What then?
Whatever people tell you is a reason for you not being able to do something… whether it is “you are a woman so you can’t… you are a man so you can’t… you are too young, you are too old, you are whatever” tell them I can and I will… watch me.
Mainstream Media interest has also grown with Lexie being featured in numerous global media outlets including numerama, insideevs, drones magazine, Drone360.
Fast forward Lexie has been contacted by Airspeeder in 2021 to join their company as one of the first Flying Car Racing Pilots. She has accepted and moved from Germany to Australia in early 2022 to join which made her the only Female Flying Car Pilot in the world.
And she is working hard to win EXA Series.
In 2022 she joined the Jetson project as an EVTOL test pilot, to get even more flight time and experience
All that, and she runs her own content creation business so that you can join her audience of over 50.000 followers/subscribers on any of these channels: YouTube, Instagram
“I can and I will – watch me”.